THE SALTHILL UFO SIGHTING / Article from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Quantum World | last update: Feb 17 '17 |
GALWAY, 22nd February - 1st of March 1986
I am convinced I once saw an UFO, have never seen one since,
and this is my account of this sighting.
The images in this article can be enlarged by clicking on them.
February / March 1986
One of the many pleasures of living in Galway, Ireland, was walking on the beach to breathe in the fresh sea air.
One early spring day I walked up a hill on my way to Salthill beach.
It looked liked it could rain, even though there were patches of blue in the sky.
As I examined the clouds, to judge if it would rain soon,
a cigar shaped object appeared in the sky between the roofs of a row of houses.
To the left is a reconstruction of this sighting,
using Google streetview.
Can you see the object?
I have identified the location of the actual sighting as being close to 46 Dalysfort Road, because of the tree, but it is difficult to be 100% certain after 31 years.
Unfortunately I did not carry my 35mm camera with me to take photos,
the reconstruction is actually pretty close, to what I saw that day.
In reality the UFO may have been smaller.
As I continued walking the object moved in the sky relative to the position of the houses on the ground,
due to the perspective. I made a stab at estimating it's distance.
It hovered
above the roof tops about one or two miles away, not moving.
It's appearance and color
made me think of a Zeppelin.
Then I continued walking and the object disappeared behind the roof of a house and some trees, because I moved and the perspective changed.
I expected to see it again where it should have reappeared,
but it remained disappeared.
Then I walked back to where I had seen the object last, because this was strange.
A slow moving blimp should still have been in about the same position in the sky.
But the object was no longer there.
All this happened within a few seconds.
After I reached the top of the hill I walked down to the promenade,
I could see that there was a lot of activity in Claude Toft Park, next to the beach, it looked like a festival was going on.
At the seafront I had a clear view of the whole sky,
and I asked people about having seen a blimp or if balloons had been launched for the festivities, but no one had seen anything.
I ran into a friend, who owned a local amusement arcade, and I asked him what was going on, and he told me it was "College Week". He also hadn't seen any unusual activities in the sky, although he looked at me in a funny way when I asked him.
Horses were on show and riders did what they do best, they rode around in a small concourse that was set up.
The sound of live music was in the air, or so it seems to me, College week came to a close on the 1st of March 1986.
About two weeks after this I saw a headline in a magazine at a newsstand:
"Major UFO flap reported over Irish coast and England".
A large number of witnesses had seen UFO's and reported them.
Corroborative evidence that UFO's were active around Ireland at the time,
I found 30 years later.
My particular sighting is not mentioned,
but there were a number of reports.
The following section does not deal with "my" UFO sighting,
for which there don't seem to exist sources except myself,
but it investigates a famous encounter during the same time period:
Flying over the Irish Sea on 23. February 1986, Prince Charles was returning from a visit to the USA in a RAF VC-10.
The pilot reported ahead to Heathrow that he had been startled by a glowing red object in the sky, which lit up the cockpit of the aircraft.
No official comment was ever made from the Palace regarding the incident
but the MoD did confirm that there was no danger to the Prince.
Many hundreds of people from Ireland, Wales and Cumbria saw it, too,
as well as four other aircraft near the royal plane reported it.
One of the hundreds of people that saw the UFO over the Irish Sea on the night of the 23rd of February
was investigator Miles Johnston in Belfast, who reported it to Armagh Observatory.
He described it as a red fireball with a tail.
This is according to "Northern UFO News, number 118", from 1986, edited by Jenny Randles, found on page three.
These days Miles Johnston runs "The Bases Project",
which seems to be some kind of TED for UFO topics (
From Salthill, Galway, which is on the West Coast, the Irish Sea is of course in the opposite direction, on the East Coast.
The distance between the two coasts is less than 200 miles.
Presumably, an unidentified flying object would be able to cover that distance quite easily.
George Clinton Andrews:
In his book "Extra-Terrestrials Among Us",
he refers to the Prince Charles incident on page six.
Prince Charles was quoted as saying
"I felt I was in the presence of something outside our knowledge or control".
However, the book only refers back to the tabloid newspapers, as a source.
This book is available to read for free online via the Open Library:
An unusual object was sighted over the Irish Sea,
that had unconventional appearance and performance.
Nocturnal lights were observed by five witnesses on the ocean.
References for this UFO sighting and others from February to March 1986 can be found here:
Another reference to the Prince Charles UFO is found in the New York Times, May 26, 2008:
British UFO shocker! Government officials were telling the truth
Again, I must make it clear that the description of the Prince Charles UFO does not fit what I saw.
The Salthill UFO was a gray Zeppelin shape. Not an orange disk.
I have included the "Near Paralell UFO sightings" report as a way to establish credence that there was a flap at the time.
After my "encounter" things returned to normal for me.
Well, actually, not.
I woke up from the dream, bewildered.
Unaccountably, I remembered map coordinates.
This dream came AFTER my precognition of the Challenger shuttle disaster:
if this had not been the case I might have laughed and forgotten all about.
Instead, I quickly I wrote down the map coordinates.
Maybe this would have a significance in the future...
The next day I went to the local library,
checked out an atlas and found were this place in the coordinates was.
(Today, with the resources of the Internet at everyones fingertips, it's much easier to look up information).
To me then, it was a revelation that the coordinates pointed to the vicinity of
an Island called "Disko Island" in Baffin Bay, located
between Greenland and Canada.
I found it curious that the place was called "Disko",
an association with a disc-shaped object sprang to mind, like a crashed saucer.
Did a connection exist between this and the UFO?
It did in a way, because I conceived that my dream was a kind of Mayday call from an UFO,
clearly, a ridiculous idea.
I mused on this for a while and then filed the experience away, in my mind.
There was nothing I was able to do about this, at the time.
The weeks passed, relatively uneventful.
Around this time I started a business as a self-employed electrician.
I repaired electric ovens, washing machines and re-wired a two hundred year old cottage.
One night, before falling asleep, I mused about my unusual dreams that year.
It then suddenly occured to me, that the model (topology) of Albert Einstein's Universe,
which he used to describe his theory of relativity,
was based on the idea of his teacher,
Hermann Minkowski, and that it was incomplete.
Instead of thinking of the topology (geometry) of the Universe as a ball (or sphere),
I visualized it as a donut, or a bagel-like shape, a torus, in proper terms.
The following months were spent trying to put my vision into words and diagrams.
The title page and introduction of the emergent theory started as:
An Amendment to H. Minkowki's Analogon of the Cosmos as a Sphere, the Torus".
Sadly, no copy of this 78 page manuscript has survived, as far as I know.
Much of the paper dealt with geometry, by its nature.
Many illustrations and ideas from this book I found later mirrored in books from the New Age movement.
I don't know how the graphics made it into those publications.
But I shook my head, the concepts had not been developed,
no further or deeper meaning was discovered or revealed in these New Age writings,
from my point of view.
Maybe there is a common subconscious, were all these images, symbols and archetypes float around,
only rarely surfacing. And then we struggle to make sense of it all.
The Torus-Pearlstring Proposal revisited
A lot of work remains to be done on this theory, which is outside of the scope of the current presentation.
It will be further explained here.
Roswell alien autopsy, by Orbital Media |
Intermission, 22 years ago from 2017 On the 28th of August 1995 TV stations globally aired what became known as the "Roswell alien autopsy" footage. The footage intrigued me to such an extent that I called up its discoverer, To most people, this is an open-and-shut case because of the way the disclosure was handled. Most of the footage is admittedly faked. |
Around the same time another documentary was released: "UFO, Secrets of the Third Reich".
This dealt with claims that the Nazis developed flying saucers and attempted to make contact with extraterrestrial civilisations via spiritual mediums.
I perceived a dial, or clockface, seen in the movie and on the left, that began counting down from the time I saw it, until the 14th of April 2016. (explanation and link to follow, not fully explained yet)
Combined, these two movies made me recall my own experience from 1986.
For my own interest I wanted to know if it would be possible to speak with Prince Charles about his UFO experience.
I wanted this meeting private and did not mention the subject in the letter beforehand,
as I was shy about talking about my encounter in advance.
In the year 2000 I created a tourist guide of the city.
That site is still fully functional and can be accessed here.
However, the Virtual Reality movies are now only viewable for users of Quicktime Pro.
I took an aerial photograph of the city,
created hotspots with clickable points of interest (tourist attractions) to zoom into the street level:
site visitors can explore their surroundings with in Apple Quicktime technology (now defunct) and listen to recordings of musicians and see and read further details about the attractions.
This was well before Google bought Keyhole (aerial and satellite images) in 2001
and preceeded Street View, which was launched in 2007.
All photography was done by myself and I compiled the website over the course of six months.
In doing so I revisited Salthill and went to the beach where I believed to have been the location of the UFO, had it been real.
Now equipped with a camera, I came across these strange markings in the sand:
The circles are on the beach at the Claddagh, which used to be an old fishing village, famous for the design of the Claddagh ring.
The markings are normally below the sea level and I only noticed them because there was a low tide.
Needless to say, I was fascinated.
In the Salthill UFO incident from 1986 I had estimated the vessels approximate location to just this place.
Many theories had been advanced about crop circles, least of which are UFO's sweeping down in the middle of the night to leave their fingerprints, so to speak.
This was something different. The circles were not made of corn, that merely last until the next harvest.
Whilst I strolled around the strange circles I examined them.
Dark seaweed had accumulated around rocks protruding from the beach.
In my mind there was a clear connection to the UFO sighting, although it wasn't clear in what way.
dear Dr. Carleton Jones,
three circles can be seen on the beach during low tide off the shoreline from Salthill, Galway.
Here is their location on Google maps:
During high tide the circles are covered by water.
I wonder how they withstood the pounding of the Atlantic waves during storms for that many years.
Do you know what they are?:
![]() |
![]() |
The largest circle has a diameter of about 50 meters and is shaped like a giant spoked wheel.
It has a very technical appearance.
Because there are actually three different shapes to the formation, I cant' think of any particular function that could be given to them.
Would it be possible that something is buried under the sand? Maybe some old dwellings?
There is a certain resemblance to the famous Miami Circle,
but it isn't anything like it, really.
I have no data on the existence of rock underneath the beach in Galway,
Ireland (where stilted huts might have been built).
If it turns out that there were no septic tanks buried on the beach,
novel fishing methods employed or a park of abandoned merry-go-rounds sat around,
then an interested party could examine the area.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Erich,
These features dates to the early 1990s and are described as follows in the Archaeological Survey of Ireland:
GA094-141---- Class: Monumental structure, Townland: Galway Bay
Description: This is one of three intertidal art installations that were constructed in the early 1990s along the shoreline in the inner reaches of Galway Bay. It was designed by Martin Byrne and Padraig Conway as part of the 'Solas Atlantis Galway 1993' project.
Kind regards,
Dr. R. Sherlock. MIAI
I then wrote to the artist Martin Byrne and I learned the following:
The art project called Solas Atlantis was loosely inspired by native American medicine wheels, Irish megalithic art, and the projected sewage plant on Mutton Island. Martin had studied archaeology and art and never dreamed this would turn out to become part of a bigger story back in 1993, when two ex art students hung around Galway for the summer and hatched their plan for the project. |
Hello, thanks for your response Martin,
please take a look at the scale of the circles.
You are standing in front of a circle that has a diameter of maybe 3 meters.
It looks like you are standing in front of the middle one (medicine wheel).
That actually has a diameter of 30 meters according to Google maps.
Is someone else expanding on your designs?
I believe I saw some small circles at the Claddagh in 2000, but they were mostly washed away. Not so the big ones.
We made the big ones too. The small ones were models.
PS:, there is a 4th large stone design to the north, which seems to have been missed.
You called your artwork Solus Atlantis,
meaning Electromagnetic Wave, Source of Light, a spiritual truth.
Did you have any reason in particular for your choice of site?
The Claddagh, the oldest part of Galway and in full view of the ... Aran Islands with their ancient stone forts seemed a perfect place to experiment with new forms of art and stone age design.
Enigmatic stone engravings, carved by Neolithic ancestors over 5,500 years ago, provided the inspiration for the project,
was based on the solar system of which we are a part, the environment in which we live, and on Irish heritage and culture.
The stone age cairns/temples that cover Ireland were built by the Tuatha de Danann,
a magical race of supernatural light beings who inhabited Ireland until the coming of the Celts.
Legend says that the 'Tuatha de Danann' came in great ships that flew through the air,
bringing with them the stone of destiny, the sword of light, the cauldron of Dagda and the spear of Lugh.
![]() KNOWTH BASIN by Michael Byrne, detail, click for overview here Note the astronomical symbolism, with a mark in the 3rd orbit, from the center. |
Dagda's cauldron? The cauldron was a vessel of plenty - it never ran out of food. It also had the power to regenerate life: dead bodies could be placed into the cauldron and be drawn out alive and whole again. |
On their way to the first battle, the 'Tuatha de' must have passed through Galway,
for Gaillimh was the name of one of their young maidens.
Maigh Cuilinn or Moycullen (the plain of Cuilinn) is named for the navigator of the fleet who was the first to fall.
The art form that Martin Byrne and his friends were experimenting with is called a geoglyph, a large drawing on the Earth, and they can be found in England as the Cerne Giant, and the Uffington Horse, and are related to corn circles.
The Tuatha de Danann constructed temples and oriented them to project beams of light of the rising or setting sun, moon, planets, and certain stars at the solstices, equinoxes, cross-quarter days and other important points in the natural cycles.
When Martin Byrne and his team learned of the impending explosions on Jupiter to be caused by the large comet 'Shoemaker - Levy 9' in June 1994, they began a project to mark this great cosmic explosion, which came to be called Solas Atlantis, or Light of Atlantis.
Since the main character of this event was Jupiter, they deemed it logical to find out where the rest of the planets were at the time of impact. The team consulted astrologer Bill Sheeran who drew up a chart for the event.
The chart was timed for the rising of the Lamas full moon at 9.15 p.m. on Friday 22 July, 1994,
and SOLAS ATLANTIS marked the positions of the planets as seen from Galway at the time of the last impact on Jupiter.
Now, in a dream in 1986 I perceived some coordinates that pointed to Disko Island. This place is 2866 kilometers from Salthill.
I opened a new chapter on the coordinates in April 2016.
After my 'success' in deciphering the real origin of the strange stone circles, the Solas Atlantis geoglyphs, I wanted to know if there was something to be found in Greenland.
Satellite images from Google Earth of the area show amazing detail,
down to the meter level.
Most of Disko is covered in ice and it is the 84th largest island of the world.
Literally looking for a needle in a haystack, I soon I concentrated in my search for anomalies on the coastal regions.
The Greek explorer Pytheas is the first to have written of Thule, doing so after his travels between 330-20 BCE.
Though often considered to be an island in antiquity, modern interpretations of what was meant by Thule often identify it as Norway. Other interpretations include Orkney, Shetland, and Scandinavia. In the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance, Thule was often identified as Iceland or Greenland.
The term ultima Thule in medieval geographies denotes any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world".
On Disko Island remains of the Thule civilisation have been found.
Disko Island has been inhabited for 5500 - 6000 years.
It looks like the boat crashed against a rock, seen in the southern direction (3). In the middle of the 40m structure, the opening of the sail mast is clearly visible (2). I believe the dimensions of the boat are within expected parameters. In the top third of this structure a cross beam is seen (1). Location: 69.256633, -53.546461 |
The feature is only a few hundred meters from Godhavn on Disko Island, which apparently means "good harbour" in Danish.
![]() Length of the ship |
![]() Comparison of the wreck with a longboat drawing |
The underwater feature has a length of 40 meters, the biggest Viking longship discovered to date,
the Roskilde 6, measures 36 meters.
Dear Sirs, please excuse this unconventional way to take time from your busy schedule.
I wish to inform you of a possible discovery of a Viking Longboat and Settlement on Disko Island, Greenland.
I am seeking a contact in the archaeology dept. of Denmark University,
or anyone who can and will explore if a longship and settlement on Disko Island has been discovered or not.
Erich Habich-Traut
![]() Telluric iron, Disko Island, by Bob Lavinsky, |
"Telluric iron is extremely rare, with only one known major deposit in the world, located in Greenland." ( This means you can just walk around and pick up lumps of iron. Without iron the Viking ships could not have been built, because the Vikings used nails! Viking age shipbuilding is explained in this article. In line with the importance of this iron deposit, it does not surprise that there is evidence of a Viking Longhouse on Disko Island, nor that there appears to be the remains a longship. |
Eric the Red discovered Greenland in 970AD and his son Leif Eriksson discovered America in about 1000AD.
A Viking settlement was found in Newfoundland at L’Anse aux Meadows.
![]() A Replica of the 'Gokstad' longship, measuring 23.8 meters, was sailed across the Atlantic. |
The site of the possible Viking ship at Disko Island is also very near to the American continent. Not many Viking ships have survived, because the wood rots away in waters rich in bacteria. |
The last official letter concerning this matter I wrote to Arctic Station on Disko Island, an outpost of the University of Copenhagen.
If they knew ANYTHING about an unidentified shipwreck near Godhavn.
The latest Google satellite images no longer show the clear waters in the area of the find, in fact,
they show degraded, possibly older photos on which the outline of a vessel cannot be seen.
![]() BEFORE |
![]() AFTER |
This could be an indication that someone is beginning to take the matter seriously.
It also means that it was fortunate that I looked at the area when I did, as earlier, or later, nothing is visible,
and that a diving expedition is actually needed to take a closer look.
I will proceed to make a Journey there in summer, and try to drum up local interest in the matter.
Expedition support may be available from Arctic Station.
This chapter began describing a UFO sighting, it went on to mention sightings that occured around the same time,
talked of a new cosmological theory that was perceived under the impression of the encounter, described stone circles that were placed at the location of the UFO sighting about 8 years later, linked the Tuagh de Danann from Irish mythology and briefly looked at neolithic structures which are connected.
Then it describes the possible discovery of a Viking longship, which is only connected to all this,
because I claim to have received it's coordinates by unknown means after seeing an anomalous shape in the sky.
I may have discovered a crashed Viking craft, not the hoped for UFO, lying buried in the ice.
If such a thing existed, it would be much harder to find.
It could not be done using geomagnetic scans, as the whole Island is essentially composed of iron deposits.
The Viking program consisted of a pair of American space probes sent to Mars, Viking 1 and Viking 2 in 1975.
One could speculate that disk shaped objects,
that we 'identify' as UFO's, are landers from another civilisation,
whose heatshields begin to glow red to orange, when they enter the Earth atmosphere,
due to the temperature.
A disk has remarkable aerodynamic properties.
The main reason for it's stable flight characteristics is the gyroscope effect caused by rotation.
Typically, an aircraft consists of an immovable part, such as the fuselage, tail fins, and wings.
To this are attached motors, turbines or propellers to move the inert, immovable part with lots of fuel and noise.
The electrically operated Discus flight system is characterized by the fact that it is a self-contained system
- no wings, no tailplane and no engines are screwed to a rigid hull.
Youtube video: Website: Discus development roadmap: Interview on Austrian radio in in German: |
Technical synopsis:
The entire aircraft itself is the wing, tailplane, drive, energy storage and recovery.
In flight technology, there are many annoying side effects, such as heat development or resistance factors,
which must be elaborately combated or eradicated.
The discus flight system is characterized by the fact that there are no side effects that need to be reduced or combated.
It is a self-contained system (a new technique),
where all the secondary effects are valuable, they become indispensable system components.
A CAE/CFD study is being prepared.
... just finishing up,
References used in this article: Kingdom/Northern UFO News (Jenny Randles)/Northern UFO News - No 118.pdf,_Inc
Circles on the shore at Salthill:íomh_Solais Age Shipbuilding
Reporting at conclusion of article:
and Patrick.